Our Story
John Ferranti is the founder of For God’s Glory Ministries, Inc., which is a traveling prophetic and teaching ministry based out of Orange Park, Florida .
The ministry was started in 2001 based upon a Rhema word from the Lord, which stated, “Help Me build My army.” Then the Lord spoke the name “For God’s Glory Ministries, Inc.”
Since that time, FGGM has impacted many lives with their cutting edge style of ministry; daring people to move away from the status quo, and fulfill the call of God on their lives.

John has served in a Pastoral capacity at both Resurrection Life Church and Jacksonville Life Church.
John is back to traveling and is equipping the Body of Christ to become that great army for the Lord. Whether John is ministering in a large church, house church, small group, or to the individual, his goal is the same…
Impart: “to communicate the knowledge of the Kingdom.”
Impact: “to fix firmly or be rooted in Christ; to have a direct effect on.”
Inspire: “to influence, move, or guide by the leading of Holy Spirit.”
John imparts the TRUTH of the Kingdom so that people can change direction, their mindsets, and their false beliefs.
Also, he impacts their lives so that they will impact others.
Finally, John inspires others to move forward in accomplishing all that Jesus has called them to build in His Kingdom.
If you would like to schedule a ministry event with John Ferranti, simply email us HERE